The story so far...

So our humble couple has found out that they're pregnant. What entails is a series of thoughts, memories and pictures as they get closer to becoming a family...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Pic, Bigger Belly, and Shared News!

Here's a new picture of Marcy along the way with the first trimester behind her.  Marcy's belly (full of ice cream) is still significantly smaller than her husband's, though. ;)

We're at 14 & 1/2 weeks and we just told our co-workers.  Everyone was super-stoked and we're looking forward to finding out Baby Blimpson's sex soon (December if he or she is cooperative, January at the latest).  Marcy's appetite seems to be back and so the main thing in the forefront of our minds is Christmas and all that Xmas entails.  Baby presents!

Speaking of baby purchases, Marcy started her registry at BuyBuy Baby. It's just a start, once we know what we are having, we'll be adding many more items. This weekend was also her first time shopping for maternity clothes with mild success. 

Today's main task, besides taking pictures, was narrowing down our list of girl names.  This has been a tough one for us. I think we are on our third draft at this point, and we still have 13 on the list.  Sorry guys, we're not sharing our thoughts. This is a decision we want to make entirely on our own.  We will say, the fun part was jotting down the type of personality we imagined our daughter might have with each name on our list.  These were some of the traits we assigned to the girls names: witty, shy, strong, desirable, eccentric, class president, cool nerd, feminist, craftsy, sophisticated, artsy, iconoclast, quirky, serious, graceful, kind,  courteous, realist, oldest sibling, book reader

December 6th (Uncle Jeff's birthday) is our next doctor's visit which is just about a week away.
Until then!

Monday, November 15, 2010

12 weeks down!

Went to my 12 week doctors appointment. by myself today. Spencer couldn't get away from work.
When the doc was ready to check out the heartbeat with her little sound machine, I was going to try to record it with my iPhone, but she was having trouble finding the baby. I was trying not to panic, and told her that the ultrasound tech at the last appointment had to dig into my gut pretty hard in order to hear it. She gave up on her dinky sound machine and took me over to the ultrasound to look at the bugger on the screen.  I didn't end up hearing the heartbeat but for a moment I saw baby Blimpson bounce about on the screen and the doctor pointed to me where the heart was beating.   It happened so fast and I was so excited, I forgot to get my phone out. At least I have another picture to show.  The round circle on the left is the head, the oval to the right is the body. If you can figure it out, hurray!

We haven't posted much and here I'm ending my first trimester already, so I'll try to give you a bit more insight into what we (and by we, I mean mainly me) have been up to.

1.  Started feeling nauseous at about 6 weeks. I was fine in the morning. Could still eat my cereal and bacon every morning, but after that, the rest of the day sucked. Dinner time was the worst.  I think smelling food was the kicker.  GARLIC ahhh!!!!!!! yuck!
2.  My backside hurt when Spencer and I were walking a lot in Asheville. (vacation was really nice)
3. Trying to sleep at night on my side with a pillow between my legs.  I like falling asleep on my stomach, and figured I needed to quit that habit pretty soon. Thought I would hate it a lot, but has been going pretty good so far.  Spencer's not much of a fan of it though.
4. Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night now.
5. Had to retire a few pairs of pants about a month ago (the ones that were already tight before I was pregnant), but now the ones I wore belts with are now about too tight.  I've recently had to hide my waistband a few times at work for fear my coworkers would see my rubberband trick. (yes, I still have not told them)
6. Staring to get my appetite back.  Things I like to eat:  any type of beef,  cheese, milk, ice cream,  mexican, pasta and tomato sauce, plain pork, bacon, mac and cheese, breads, a little fruit, some veggies (usually with cheese or bacon bits)
Things I still won't eat: chicken, garlic, fish, BBQ, other strong smelly food.

So how is Baby Blimpson? He/She is having a good ol' time now that he's got all 10 fingers and toes. In fact, she's forming fingerprints on those tiny little digits this very week. Busy making neural synapses, he/she's is 3inches long and weighs 1oz.

I'll take a photo of my belly this weekend, and maybe Spencer can show off his as well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen; We Have Heartbeat!

the squiggles on the dotted line surround the little one.  though neither of us could really make out very much of anything; the heartbeat itself was very cool.  a visual representation of the audio is what is below the ultrasound.

marcy did take a flu shot, even though she was hesitant having not taken one in the past.  we now have several pounds worth of paper literature of which we are currently reviewing.  spencer carried bags around all day and the labyrinthine task of moving from elevator to elevator and station to station was more than a little overwhelming.

a few more weeks until we have another visit, with 12 more to go until we know boy or girl.  that being said, we did have two indicators that could go either way:

1. evidence for girl:  when the nurse was trying to find the baby, she yelled "girl" which caused us both some confusion, but was in fact a reference to marcy's skinniness and her uterus being further into her back.

2. evidence for boy:  when placing the delicate photo of the ultrasound into a pregnancy book the doctor gave us, marcy randomly placed the picture onto the page about vasectomies, which featured a pretty elaborate diagram of male genitalia.  we shared a collective, immature giggle.

on to reading our many materials...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Where we are now...

So we're at 7 1/2 weeks and we've marked a few things off our checklist:

On Monday we'll get our first ultrasound.

6 Weeks

As you can see, we're both working towards making room for an addition.