The story so far...

So our humble couple has found out that they're pregnant. What entails is a series of thoughts, memories and pictures as they get closer to becoming a family...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Pic, Bigger Belly, and Shared News!

Here's a new picture of Marcy along the way with the first trimester behind her.  Marcy's belly (full of ice cream) is still significantly smaller than her husband's, though. ;)

We're at 14 & 1/2 weeks and we just told our co-workers.  Everyone was super-stoked and we're looking forward to finding out Baby Blimpson's sex soon (December if he or she is cooperative, January at the latest).  Marcy's appetite seems to be back and so the main thing in the forefront of our minds is Christmas and all that Xmas entails.  Baby presents!

Speaking of baby purchases, Marcy started her registry at BuyBuy Baby. It's just a start, once we know what we are having, we'll be adding many more items. This weekend was also her first time shopping for maternity clothes with mild success. 

Today's main task, besides taking pictures, was narrowing down our list of girl names.  This has been a tough one for us. I think we are on our third draft at this point, and we still have 13 on the list.  Sorry guys, we're not sharing our thoughts. This is a decision we want to make entirely on our own.  We will say, the fun part was jotting down the type of personality we imagined our daughter might have with each name on our list.  These were some of the traits we assigned to the girls names: witty, shy, strong, desirable, eccentric, class president, cool nerd, feminist, craftsy, sophisticated, artsy, iconoclast, quirky, serious, graceful, kind,  courteous, realist, oldest sibling, book reader

December 6th (Uncle Jeff's birthday) is our next doctor's visit which is just about a week away.
Until then!


  1. Marcy you look BEAUTIFUL! Very excited for you guys...girl's names are fun and you know there are so few of those in the Simpson family. :) No matter if it's a boy or girl, he/she will be spectacular with such great parents!

  2. Oh my gosh! Look at your tiny baby bump! I wish I was there to watch it grow each week but I'm glad I can stay in the loop here. I can't wait to find out what name you will pick...hopefully not one that you assigned "nerd" to. :) I could picture you having a girl named Violet. I'm changing my guess to girl then. :)
