The story so far...

So our humble couple has found out that they're pregnant. What entails is a series of thoughts, memories and pictures as they get closer to becoming a family...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 weeks - 3/4 of the way thru. What?!!

With my magical powers,  I will make this baby appear... in ten weeks! 

What have we been up to the past couple of weeks?  I went to my breastfeeding class (by myself) and enjoyed it much more than the CPR class.  You wonder, how difficult would breastfeeding be that someone would have to take a class? Well, I hear it can be very difficult to figure out.  It's all about technique apparently, and I think I picked up on a thing or two.  Hopefully I'll be able to execute these skills I've learned with ease.

Spencer and I then attended an all day Saturday childbirth class. I think I pretty much knew everything childcare wise already. I was mainly interested in what was going to happen at the hospital: when I could show up, when I could get the epidural, and was it true the hospital has a menu I could order from.  I suspect Spencer found the class much more enlightening.  When we met up at the hospital for a tour of the facilities toward the end of the class, I reminded Spencer to memorize the hallways because he would be by himself getting from the parking deck to L&D. He would also need to be able to instruct relatives on how to get there. I think the first thing he memorized was where the Starbucks and cafeteria were located.

Seriously though, Spencer has been hugely supportive.  I couldn't ask for a better father-to-be.  He's up and at-'em when I need or ask for anything.  He has had his nose in the few fatherhood books we've bought.  He has massaged my aching back even when I haven't asked. He has emptied that litter box exclusively without complaint since the beginning of all this.  He has loaded and unloaded my photo equipment in and out of the car when needed.  He has offered to drive to wherever to pick up whatever I might have been craving at that moment (although, I haven't taken him up on it). He has even been eager to decorate the nursery.  My favorite thing I have noticed him starting to do is quickly ask me if I'm OK when I let out my uncomfortable groans. Poor guy, since the weeks are starting to whittle away, I think his nervousness is beginning to form. I'll have to keep my moans and groans in check.

Speaking of nursery, we're still getting things organized and decorated, and I promise I'll share photos of the room once we are finished. For now you can check out a couple of wall decals we ordered:


I 'm looking forward to the baby shower my sisters and mom are hosting this weekend. It will be so nice having our families get together along with family friends. Spencer and I are especially excited my sister Robyn and our nephew Gavin will be here to visit.  We will also be having a joint birthday celebration for him and niece Lynlee. We've got so much to celebrate this weekend. It's going to be so much fun.

But wait, there's even more to celebrate! Our step-sister Christie and her husband Clark have just found out their also having a girl.  What's that saying: Girls rule and Boys drool.  Our babies are only 3 months apart. How wonderful to have the two girls so close in age. We just can't wait for cousins Simpson and Werner to play together!

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